Art Journal Flip Through Part Two

Welcome to part one of my journal flip through from one of my much older art journals! It’s been so fun to look back through these older journals and to see how far I have come and what styles and techniques I still use.

Journal Flip Through 2018 | Part TwoJoin me as we travel back in time to see another of my early journals! I flip through my second art journal with you a reminisce about pages past. I wanted to show you that everyone starts somewhere in their art j…

Get Messy Community

This journal still has a lot of the Get Messy prompts inside it as I was still managing to keep up with them all and I was even involved in the Design Team at this stage. Get Messy is an amazing art journal community to be part of and I would highly recommend it!

Trying out Coptic

This journal was made by Vanessa and it was a really gorgeous journal to work inside of. It is coptic bound journal and this means that you get some really wonderful flat spreads to work on. It was the second journal I worked inside and filled up and I think in here I really started to see some elements of my style emerging.

I love Lisa Congdon

You’ll see from the video that I started to really get heavily influenced by the amazing Lisa Congdon If you don’t know who she is you have to check her out. She has some amazing classes over on Creative Bug and her story is super inspiring. So from working through her classes my love of line drawn flowers was born and I am very grateful to her for that!

Follow your own path

I hope that you guys enjoyed this trip down memory lane with me! I loved going through the older spreads and seeing themes emerging and remembering things from looking at the pages. These journals really are like a trip down memory lane for me, I’m so glad I started down this road to creating, it’s been amazing to me!

Let’s dig a little deeper!

What if there was something that could help you work though identifying your style and give you some great ideas of ways to grow it? Wouldn’t that be great? Well my friend, I got your back! I’ve created the “Map Your Style Workbook” and you can get it for free from me right now!

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The workbook is broken into two sections. Firstly we look at your style and how to identify it with a series of excercises. The next section takes the elements of our style we already have and works on ways to grow it more, to push you (gently!) outside of your comfort zone!

So what are you waiting for! Join me and help Map Your Style right now!